Monday, January 6, 2014

Welcome 2014! New Year, New Me ( or old me, with a coat of paint)

I have not been a good little blogger. To be honest, I was not believing that I had anything worthwhile to talk about. This happens to a lot of out of work people. We question our own worth because our worth is tied into our employment status. But, for most of us, that is not our only contribution. I am a mom, and I have two awesome daughters that I love and take care of.  I am a good friend ( at least I like to think so) but I need to stop hiding because of my unemployment. I am a good citizen. I vote, try to keep up with current events and political what-not. And, OMG, I have read nearly every article ever written on how to get hired, so even tho I haven't been hired, I am a de facto expert on the subject.

I have come to realize, however, that I do have something worthwhile to say. I have skills and knowledge to be shared and I am going to do so. If I want to be respected for what I am and what I know, I need to respect myself for those things. I need to take my life by it's horns and make it into what I want it to be. No more hiding, no more waiting and definitely no more letting others determine my worth.

I am starting to formulate a plan. I know what my strengths are ( and my weaknesses) , and I am going to use them, for myself and for others. As the plan comes together, I am going to blog about it and about other things. I love the beach and anything related to it. I love photography. I love baking and throwing parties and I love kids. I love the idea of crafts, but I am not very good at it. I am trying to learn how to be organized. I have (relatively late in life) become obsessed with women's shoes. I, like most people, want and need to lose some weight. I love to read! and I have always wanted to write.

So here is one of my resolutions: to start blogging regularly. At least once a week. I will schedule it on my calendar, like an appointment, so I won't forget. So here we go! Wish me luck! Keep me accountable! Happy 2014!

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